Production Courses
Uylsses runs a host of intensive hands on recording production and engineering courses for those who want to study and progress their abilities in a relaxed, friendly and easy going atmosphere. Whether your a novice or professional there are always areas of any art you wish to understood better or expand your skills in. Our courses are bespoke, diverse and tailor made to suite the individual or group, and group sizes are strictly limited to make sure that group participants have ample time for one on one tuition throughout the course.
Courses run regularly throughout the year and generally include bed and breakfast with a mid week BBQ weather permitting, however we are flexible enough to meet everyone’s needs including: teaching online, over weekends or attending your facilities. A normal week long studio course consists of 5 days, each split in to 2 x 3 hour sessions with the evenings free (approx 4 hours) to experiment and practise you new found skills in the studio.
If your looking to attend alone but would prefer to study with others we will endeavour to put you in touch with like minded suitable candidates who wish to study similar subjects. With our new Spanish Studio opening soon you might want to study in the beautiful sun on the east coast of Valencia Spain.
Whilst the subject titles help to address and define the separate areas of study they are in no way isolated. You are at liberty to mix and match to suite your requirements or even define very specific areas for intense training. It’s your course and your time and we are here to supply you with the information and training you require. The best way to find out more is to phone us on UK (0) 751 090 4716 and speak directly to an engineer or member of our production crew about your needs.